How do we learn? 

Photo by Hanna Victoria Mörck

Photo by Hanna Victoria Mörck

Working interdisciplinarily with cognitive neuroscience, psychology and pedagogies gives great insights into how we learn, how memory works, how the brain develops and why we sometimes can and sometimes cannot use our resources effectively. 

There are many examples of how her research field is used for leadership, management, teaching and to a general public.

Read more about Alvas’ books:

Nya perspektiv på lärande - kognitionsvetenskap för lärare

Motiverad: Feedback, mindset och viljan att utvecklas


Science communication

As a scientist it is important to explain research so that others can use this knowledge. Alva participated in a contest called Forskargrandprix where she explained her research in a 3-minute talk.


Her thesis describes the impact of feedback on motivation and cognitive performance. This interdisciplinary work involves Behavioural Science, Psychology, Pedagogies and Cognitive Neuroscience. Download and read the thesis Error, Praise, Action and Trait - Effects of Feedback on Cognitive Performance and Motivation.

TEDx talk by Alva Appelgren

Alva talk about the power of information and feedback and how it affects people’s responses, motivation and persistence. She also explains why some people strenuously go on with solving a difficult task, while others give up after their first try. What role do feedback and expectations have for persistence? Learn more in her TEDx talk.